CSCE 790: Wireless and Mobile Systems for the IoT
Spring 2021

Note: This schedule is tentative and subject to change. Please check it regularly.
Weeks/Dates | Topics | Notes |
Week of Jan. 12 | Introduction: Course overview; Introduction to the principles of sensors and signals | Assigned Reading:[ How to Read a Paper ]Optional Reading: How to Present [ Book Summary ] |
Week of Jan. 19 | Foundations for signal analysis | |
Week of Jan. 26 | Signal representations | |
Week of Feb. 2 | Inertial measurement unit and sensor fusion | |
Week of Feb. 9 | Orientation and motion tracking | |
Week of Feb. 16 | Wireless sensing techniques for IoT | |
Week of Feb. 23 | Gesture recognition | |
Feb. 25 | Wellness Holiday (No Classes) | |
Week of Mar. 2 | Wireless networking for IoT | |
Week of Mar. 9 | Localization: Outdoor and indoor | |
Week of Mar. 16 | Mobile health | |
Mar. 23 | Midterm exam | |
Week of Mar. 23 | Augmented and virtual reality | |
Mar. 30 | Wellness Holiday (No Classes) | |
Week of Mar. 30 | Human-machine interface | |
Week of Apr. 6 | Security and vulnerability in IoT | |
Weeks of Apr. 13 and Apr. 20 | Machine learning for IoT | |
Week of Apr. 27 | Reading day and final exam week | |
May. 4 | Exam: Final project report and presentation | Presentation time: 11:00 am – 2:00 pm; Place: Virtual on Blackboard Collaborate Report due by: 11:59 pm |