Sanjib Sur
Assistant Professor, Computer Science and Engineering
University of South Carolina
Office: 2259 Storey Innovation Center
550 Assembly St, Columbia, SC 29201
Email: sur@cse.sc.edu
Phone: 803 777 6853
[ CV ] (Last Updated: August 2022)
Brief Bio
I am an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science and Engineering department at the University of South Carolina, where I lead the SyReX group. My research interests include Wireless Systems and Architectures, Millimeter-wave Communications and Networks, Internet of Things Connectivity and Sensing Systems.
I received my Ph.D. in Computer Engineering from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where the Electrical and Computer Engineering department nominated me for the Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship for outstanding graduate work. Before that, I received my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science and Engineering from the Bengal Engineering and Science University, India, where I earned the President of India gold medal.
Honors and Awards
- Breakthrough Star Award, University of South Carolina, 2023
The award is presented to faculty for their groundbreaking research at the university - Best Poster Award Second Place, CSE Research Symposium, University of South Carolina, 2023
For work on non-invasive soluble sugar content estimation - Best Poster Award, Engineering and Computing Division at Discover, University of South Carolina, 2023
For work on Drone based millimeter-wave networking
- Nominated for the Distinguished Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, University of South Carolina, 2023
For the impacts on undergraduate research at the university - NSF CAREER Award, 2022
NSF’s most prestigious award in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education, and the integration of education and research - Best Poster Runner-up Award, ACM HotMobile, 2022
For work on Drone-based survey of millimeter-wave propagation - Nominated for the CEC Young Investigator Award, University of South Carolina, 2022
For outstanding early-career research work
- Junior Faculty Researcher Award, 2021
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of South Carolina - Best Poster Honorable Mention, ACM UbiComp, 2021
For work on handheld millimeter-wave imaging - Best Poster Award, ACM HotMobile, 2021
For work on visual map and machine learning aided 5G picocell placement - Best Poster Runner-up Award, ACM HotMobile, 2021
For work on machine learning augmented hand-held millimeter-wave imaging - ASPIRE II Award, University of South Carolina, 2020
For in-home mobility impairment assessment research - Travel Grant Award for NSF CSR-NeTS PI Workshop, 2019
PI for NSF CNS Core grant - Nominated by the ECE department, UW-Madison, for Wisconsin Distinguished Graduate Fellowship, 2017
For outstanding graduate work - President of India Gold Medal, Bengal Engineering and Science University, 2012
For outstanding academic achievement - University Silver Medal Bengal Engineering and Science University, 2011
Ranked 1st in academic department - Student Travel Grant Award: ACM MobiCom’16, USENIX NSDI’16, ACM MobiSys’14
Professional Services
- Organizing Committee Member
- Steering Committee Member: IEEE/ACM STEERS Workshop, 2021–2023
- Program Committee Co-Chair: IEEE/ACM STEERS Workshop 2021–2023; ACM mmNets Workshop 2020
- Poster and Demo Co-Chair: ACM HotMobile 2023
- Demo Co-Chair: ACM MobiSys 2022
- Travel Grants Co-Chair: IEEE COMSNETS 2024
- Publicity Co-Chair: IEEE COMSNETS 2023; ACM SenSys 2022
- Session Chair: IEEE INFOCOM 2023; IEEE MASS 2021–2022; IEEE WoWMoM 2021; IEEE IFIP Networking 2021
- Technical Program Committee Member
- ACM MobiCom 2023–2024; ACM/IEEE IoTDI 2023; ACM TheWebConf 2023 (formerly WWW);
- IEEE MSN 2021–2022; IEEE ICPADS 2022–2023; IEEE ICC – MWN Symposium 2023; IEEE MASS 2021–2022;
- IEEE ICDCS 2021; EAI MobiQuitous 2022; IEEE WoWMoM 2021–2023; IEEE IFIP Networking 2021;
- ACM mmNets 2019–2023; ACM WiNTECH 2019–2023; ACM mmWaveSys 2023; IEEE WSCE 2019;
- ACM S3 Workshop 2017
- Panel Member
- NSF panelist for Midscale Research Infrastructure-1 2023, NeTS CAREER 2022, GRFP 2021;
- ACM MobiCom S3 Workshop 2018
- Reviewer
- IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2023;
- IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2015–2023; IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2016–2023;
- ACM Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies 2023; UbiComp Poster 2022–2023;
- IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking 2023;
- IEEE Transactions on Communications 2016–2020; IEEE Pervasive Computing 2022–2023;
- IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2020; IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2017;
- IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2018, 2021; IEEE Systems 2018–2022;
- IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 2018; IEEE Access 2019–2021;
- IEEE Wireless Communications Letters 2018; IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 2018;
- Wiley Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 2020; PLOS One 2021;
- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks 2018–2021; Elsevier Computer Communications 2021;
- Elsevier Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 2023; Springer Applied Intelligence 2023;
- Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing 2018–2022; Book proposal at Springer Nature 2018;
- EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2018; IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications 2019; MDPI Energies, Applied Sciences, Information 2019–2021;