CSCE 790: Millimeter-Wave Networking and Applications
Fall 2018

Course Description:
Course Logistics:
Lecture Time & Location: Monday & Wednesday; 2:20 pm – 3:35 pm; SWGN 2A05
Instructor: Sanjib Sur (
Office Hours: Wednesday 3:40 pm – 4:20 pm in SWGN 2A05 or by appointment
- Principles of wireless networking and sensing
- Fundamental challenges of millimeter-wave
- Millimeter-wave performance measurements
- Performance adaptation and seamless connectivity
- 5G NR, next-generation Wi-Fi standards and architectures
- Paradigm of unified communication and sensing
- Millimeter-wave RADAR principles: Applications to autonomous cars
- Object tracking and gesture recognition
- Imaging and security
- Applications to health-care
- 20% Presentation: Each student will choose one research paper from reading lists and present it to the class. This will be a timed presentation with Q/A from the audience and presenter will be evaluated based on the preparation of slides, clarity, and coverage of the topics discussed.
- 10% Class Participation: Students are required to attend each class and participate in the Q/A phase of the presentation. This is a research-based course, and many of the designs, algorithms, and protocols are not carved in stone yet. So, ask questions, disagree, propose alternatives, but respect each other’s opinions.
- 20% Paper Review: Students are required to submit a written review of the assigned papers from the reading list.
- 20% Midterm Exam: October 15 (Tentative)
- 30% Final Exam: December 10 at 12:30 pm in class
The grading scale is, 90 – 100 = A, 85 – 89 = B+, 80 – 84 = B, 75 – 79 = C+, 70 – 74 = C, 65 – 69 = D+, 60 – 64 = D, <= 59 = F
Suggested Textbooks:
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach, by James Kurose and Keith Ross
- Wireless Communications, by Andrea Goldsmith
- Wireless Networking Technology, by Steve Rackley
- Synthetic Aperture Radar Signal Processing, by Mehrdad Soumekh
Course Policies:
Academic Integrity: University policies and procedures regarding academic integrity are defined in the policy STAF 6.25, Academic Responsibility — The Honor Code. Prohibited behaviors include plagiarism, cheating, falsification, and complicity. All potential Honor Code violations will be reported to the Office of Academic Integrity, which has the authority to implement non-academic penalties as described in STAF 6.25. Academic penalties for Honor Code violations include failure of this course.
Attendance Policy: Students are expected to attend every class.
Disability Services: Any student who has a need for accommodation based on the impact of a documented disability should contact the instructor to discuss the specific situation as soon as possible. Also, contact Disability Resources and Services at 803-777-6142 to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities.